Background and problems
Executives nowadays are faced with increasing pressure regarding their managerial tasks as each year goes by. Regardless of your level in the company; frequent organisational changes, demands on both short and long term results and the pressure to deliver these results with very limited resources lead to a situation where both the group and the individuals are exposed to greater degrees of stress.
If the group is new, a structure needs to be established. This includes making an immediate assessment of the individuals’ competence, strengths and weaknesses and how these can be coordinated. Communication has to be efficient, visions need to be created, facts need to be evaluated and decisions need to be made quickly. However, there is never enough time available for this.
If you have had the possibility to work together for a longer period of time you may need to carry out an appraisal, which would include identifying what has worked and what has been successful, in order to be able to take advantage of those aspects again in the future. The next step is a fresh start where new energy and motivation should be focused on new objectives.
We support and develop executive teams during short or long-term projects.
This can involve anything from efforts that focus primarily on one area (“start up the new group”, “solve this conflict”) to actions that involve following and strengthening a group or individuals in the group, during longer periods of time with several objectives. These objectives can focus on the individual or be more team-oriented.
No matter what the objective is, we always adapt our efforts to the individual or group that we are currently working with.
We do not have one “method” or “concept” that suits everybody. Our approach is to work in an eclectic manner that uses the methods and instruments that are best suited to a specific group or situation.
However, one thing is certain – our work is solution-oriented rather than problem-based. We focus on action instead of navel-gazing and we build on the strong and positive aspects rather than on faults and flaws.

Svensson & Wikmalm
Första Långgatan 16
413 28 Göteborg
+46 31 29 79 40Telephone:
+46 705 167 167 Mobile Leena Wikmalm:
+46 705 367 367 Mobile Reino Wikmalm:
E-mail: leena.wikmalm@svensson-wikmalm.se