Learn to Teach is a 3-day workshop for people whose job tasks involve anything from making short presentations and conducting informational meetings to organising and conducting internal training programs.
The aim is for the participants to understand how to optimally convey messages, information or knowledge to one or more recipients. The participant is given excellent opportunities to practice and get feedback.
Intensive Communication is a workshop in which, as a participant, you get to work actively on a personal presentation and see how you can develop and improve it, using the new knowledge and skills that you acquire during the course.
- Personal presentation (preliminary work)
- Conveying information – the pedagogical triangle
- Focus on the recipient – the brain, our senses, obstacles to learning
- Communication – listening, talking, asking and discussing
- Planning
- Various working methods – discussions, beehives, role-playing, etc
- Methodological principles, visualisation
- Preliminary work
- Participant folder
Target group
All employees whose jobs involve informing, presenting, teaching or instructing
The course takes three active days, with evening work. Maximum 8 participants per consultant

Svensson & Wikmalm
Första Långgatan 16
413 28 Göteborg
+46 31 29 79 40Telephone:
+46 705 167 167 Mobile Leena Wikmalm:
+46 705 367 367 Mobile Reino Wikmalm:
E-mail: leena.wikmalm@svensson-wikmalm.se