Having a managerial role can be terribly lonely. This feeling of isolation can affect new managers as well as managers who have several years of experience behind them. Many people in managerial positions feel that there is hardly ever any time for reflection. However, many are aware that more reflection could lead to more understanding and knowledge. In reality though, busy calendars and lack of time means that such opportunities are extremely few and far between. One way of providing the manager/leader with extra support and the opportunity to reflect is to offer the assistance of an external coach.
Our Duo Coaching Programme gives managers and leaders within a company a unique opportunity to develop a relationship with both an external professional coach and a colleague.
We have a slightly different approach to coaching. We use a method that involves two managers and an external coach. The advantage of this method is that the managers or leaders in question can easily gain access to the knowledge and methods offered by the consultant. Furthermore, they can build a lasting and independent relationship to another manager/leader within their own organisation.
The external coach provides a structure regarding objectives and methods and contributes with knowledge and tools. The coach ensures that the discussions follow a constructive process and he/she will support and challenge the participants in order to maintain the integrity of the programme.
The two participating managers may well become friends. By working in this particular way the participants have the opportunity to share everyday concerns with someone who knows the organisation and the business from within. Thanks to the participant’s valuable “inside” knowledge they are able to point out aspects that, otherwise, will remain hidden. At the same time the participants are not interdependent, since their choice to participate in this programme is voluntary. Your fellow manager or colleague is also someone who will be available between the coaching sessions and after the programme has ended.
We have worked according to this method since 2003 and have achieved excellent results.
Purpose & objectives
To focus on the role as a manager for a period of time that allows for reflection, support and training. This takes place within the framework of two managers and one external coach.
- Access to the “expert”, who also functions as a role model within the actual method
- Internal relationships across company boundaries are developed
- After the programme has ended the managers/colleagues have the opportunity to continue their “coaching” relationship
- Large return on a small investment, excellent value for money

Svensson & Wikmalm
Första Långgatan 16
413 28 Göteborg
+46 31 29 79 40Telephone:
+46 705 167 167 Mobile Leena Wikmalm:
+46 705 367 367 Mobile Reino Wikmalm:
E-mail: leena.wikmalm@svensson-wikmalm.se