In the course of human interaction, situations sometimes arise that are difficult to overcome and move forward in a constructive manner, for a variety of reasons. They may start out small, but they can grow into major stumbling blocks, obstacles that may seem difficult or impossible to circumvent or bury.
The cooperation within a group or between two parties becomes infected, capacity is not used for constructive and creative solutions, the surrounding people suffer, and the conflict becomes like a black hole, swallowing up energy from many people. An outsider can help break the downward spiral in such situations.
Purpose and goals
We have extensive experience in addressing both two-party conflicts and conflicts that are overshadowing the work of small and large groups. Using various methods and techniques, we strive toward the goal of changing frustrations and deadlocks into hope and action. It is not necessary to love everyone or be loved by everyone, but we can learn to live side by side.
We work systematically, focus on a solution and strive toward positive changes. Our aim is for people to know themselves and be respected, to break negative norms and replace them with concrete actions that help the group or parties move forward and be stronger and better equipped for the future.
A variety of different working methods can be employed, depending on the individual situation. One key starting point is having a well-established framework for the project, i.e. knowing which roles and authorizations apply. This entails that we always prepare ourselves by studying and analysing the prevailing circumstances and assumptions. The better and more clearly the project is defined, the better the results we can achieve together. We want to create security, comfort and dignity for everyone involved, which means in part that we are open in our working methods, with no hidden agendas. We also hope to inspire everyone involved to adopt this same attitude.
Even if the group or pair of people ultimately find that cooperation is impossible, that the obstacles are just too great, that conclusion will have been reached in a dignified and respectful way. The alternative approach of doing nothing, of letting the parties go their separate ways without even trying to work through their conflict, will only leave in its wake a sense of failure among those involved, while the employees left behind will come to accept an inability to overcome conflicts as the norm and, most importantly, be less well equipped for a future in which they will assuredly find themselves in conflict with someone down the road.
Those involved in a conflict can instead experience it in a positive way, and gain better insight into themselves and other people. As they face the future, they will be strong, confident, and better equipped when another conflict arises.

Svensson & Wikmalm
Första Långgatan 16
413 28 Göteborg
+46 31 29 79 40Telephone:
+46 705 167 167 Mobile Leena Wikmalm:
+46 705 367 367 Mobile Reino Wikmalm:
E-mail: leena.wikmalm@svensson-wikmalm.se